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Docking a .NET window inside 3dsmax viewport

If you are writing a tool that contains a separate window it can be very useful to make that window dockable in the viewport. Following code demonstrated how to do that using Max.NET and any .NET form:

class MainViewWindow : global::Autodesk.Max.Plugins.ViewWindow


       IntPtr previousParent;

       WindowStyles previousStyle;

       public override IntPtr CreateViewWindow( IntPtr hParent, int x, int y, int w, int h )


              this.previousParent = GetParent( Plugin.Instance.MainFrame.Handle );

              this.previousStyle = GetWindowStyle( Plugin.Instance.MainFrame.Handle );


              Form mainFrame = GetMyForm();

              SetWindowStyle( mainFrame.Handle, WindowStyles.WS_CHILD | WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE );

              SetParent( mainFrame.Handle, hParent );


              mainFrame.dockedInsideExtendedView = true;

              return mainFrame.Handle;



       public override void DestroyViewWindow( IntPtr hWnd )


              GetMyForm().dockedInsideExtendedView = false;

              SetWindowStyle( Plugin.Instance.MainFrame.Handle, this.previousStyle );

              SetParent( Plugin.Instance.MainFrame.Handle, this.previousParent );

              GetMyForm().FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;




       public override string Name


              get { return "Main Window"; }



       /// <summary>

       /// Can only have one mainframe!

       /// </summary>

       public override int NumberCanCreate


              get { return 1; }



SetWindowStyle(...) and SetParent(...) are native Win32 methods marshalled into .net using PInvoke.

Undocking the window

Once you have docked the window inside the viewport you will probably need a way to undock it (revert the viewport back to a 3d view or to another extended viewport option). This is achieved pretty simply- 3dsmax provides a method to bring up a context menu that will allow a user to switch a viewport to another option.

To bring this context menu handle a right click event somewhere in your .NET window and when it happens call the IGlobal.COREInterface.PutUpViewMenu(...) method. For example:

void menuStrip_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            if( e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && this.dockedInsideExtendedView )
                Plugin.Instance.Global.COREInterface.PutUpViewMenu( this.Handle, e.Location );

Once the user picks an option from the context menu 3dsmax will automatically call your ViewWindow class to destroy the window and replace it with something else.


SetWindowStyle(...) and SetParent(...)

need more detail code............

I have made a post about this in the private forum, please look here.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)
