I've got two IClass_ID. First is a static one, created by :
MultiMaterialClassID = Global.Class_ID.Create( (uint)BuiltInClassIDA.MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0 );
Second one is coming from an INode :
IClass_ID l_matId = Node.MaxNode.Mtl.ClassID
They have both the same content (multi material) : 0x200, 0
But in the watch window, the following returns FALSE :
l_matId == SceneExporter.MultiMaterialClassID false
Although a per component compare returns true !
l_matId.PartA == SceneExporter.MultiMaterialClassID.PartA true bool
l_matId.PartB == SceneExporter.MultiMaterialClassID.PartB true bool
l_matId.ToString() ==SceneExporter.MultiMaterialClassID.ToString() true bool
Am I missing something obvious tied to boxing, or something like that ?