Inserting Items into a Tab

Posted by:glavian
Data created:31 August 2010

Hi I have a List<IINode> objects and I have a Tab<IINode> object. How do I add the items to the Tab<IINode>. I can't seem to figure out how to get an IntPtr form the List<IINode> to use with Insert or Append.




Hi Keith,

Sorry for the late reply. Please use IINodeTab instead of ITab<IINode>. It derives from ITab<IINode> so should be compatible. Here's a sample of how to copy from a list:

List<IINode> nodeList;
                IINodeTab nodeTab;
                foreach( var node in nodeList )
                    nodeTab.AppendNode( node, true, 0 );

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)