How to write Utility plugins? can someone share some examples ? it's to hard for me

Posted by:bdbox
Data created:22 July 2011

How to write Utility plugins? can someone share some examples ? it's to hard for me


i would also like to write a utility plugin (in order to start a winform-app handling a kinect-controller) and let it handle data exchange with a maxscript. sofar i can start the winform-app from a, but i would like to control the behaviour and some functions from within maxscript.

this is really hard for me, too.


thx for helping. :)





I'd imagine that you need to create one class that derives from Autodesk.Max.Plugins.IGUP and implement/override at least the Start() and Stop() functions.

Then you'd need to create another class that derives from Autodesk.Max.Plugins.ClassDesc2 and override its methods (just like any other plugin). Return a new instance of GUP plugin in Create(...) function.

This is off the top of my head so could not be entirely accurate.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)