Field Naming confusion and IClass_ID

Posted by:Shuun
Data created:12 October 2012

Whats the difference between, for example, IMesh.NumVerts and IMesh.NumVerts_ ? What should i use?

Also im having trouble understanding how should i get Class_ID of my specification to use in various functions? For example, will

"var classID = maxGlobal.Class_ID.Create((uint)BuiltInClassIDA.TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0);


var canConvert = Obj.CanConvertToType(classID);"

work ok?

Thank you very much!

In some cases you might get a duplicate field. In C++ one field might be a class member like Mesh::numVerts and another can be a getter function like Mesh::GetNumVerts().

Because the .NET wrapper automatically converts the getter methods it appends an underscore to avoid naming conflicts. Both of the properties you mention should return the same value, it is a redundancy.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)