Access to Projection modifier (IprojectionMod)

Posted by:Vincentt
Data created:4 December 2012



I’m trying to use the GetInterface function to get an IIprojectionMod object. I read this thread: So I have to go and look for the interface constant in the sdk Doc.

I’ve found it, but instead of the I_SKIN constant the one in IprojectionMod exists of 2 values...

#define IPROJECTIONMOD_INTERFACE_ID            Interface_ID(0x6b231b96, 0xb26a72)

I’ve tried the following with no success:

IIProjectionMod iProjectionMod = (IIProjectionMod)modifier.GetInterface(((InterfaceID)0x6b231b96));

Or using the last value

IIProjectionMod iProjectionMod = (IIProjectionMod)modifier.GetInterface(((InterfaceID) 0xb26a72));

Both of these return ‘null’.


Is there any way I can fix this?


Thank you a lot in advance,