i'm start using MAX.NET using C# to get more speed in my scripts.
I need to get the coordinates of selected vertex from a Mesh. I get selected vertex in a IBitArray like in MAXscript. But Need to convert to IArray or a array of ints to get the vertexID.
How i convert Ibitarary to Iarray or array of int?
IInterface ip = this.global.COREInterface;
IINode selNode = ip.GetSelNode( 0 ); //get first
IObjectState os = selNode.EvalWorldState(0,false);
IObject selobj = os.Obj;
ITriObject tobj = selobj as ITriObject;
IMesh mesh = tobj.Mesh;
IBitArray selverts = mesh.VertSel; //get selected vertex
// Not work --> IArray a_selvert = (IArray)selverts; //How to convert to IArray ???
// selverts.NumberSet get's the number of selected in INumberSetProxy How to get a int??
if ( !selverts.IsEmpty )
int vertID = ??? ? // How to loop through the selected vertices ?? (foreach don't work)
IPoint3 point = mesh.GetVert(vertID);