Publish a plugin

Posted by:Vincentt
Data created:7 January 2015


I’ve almost finished a plugin using the .net ephere wrapper. However I’m now a bit confused on how to give this script to a friend to test it. Would he need to install the ephere .net wrapper? Or can I somehow pack the dlls together with mine, for an easier install. Do I need to compile a version for every Max version?



For 3dsmax versions 2012 SP2 and up (2013, 2014, 2015) you only need to distribute the assembly you compile (into /bin/assemblies/MyPlugin.dll). For prior versions of Max you will need to also install Max.NET found on our site. Yo do need to recompile your plugin for each Max version, however, you don't need to worry about 32 or 64 bit for older versions.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)