i am having difficulties figuring out how to create a dummy IViee object to use with GetRenderMesh. Documentation shows a NullView class, but using it doesn’t work (not derived from any Autodesk.max.plugins object. Can’t find any suitable way to create the dummy IView object. the global instance doesn’t seem to have any suitable methods or properties. It has a View object, but returns an IGlobal.IGlobalView instead.
Do you need to pass this IView instance into 3dsmax? Did you search for a NullView global property inside IGlobal interface, I don't remember if there is a constructor for it in there.
Yes, the GetRenderMesh method of a TriObject (an Editible Mesh object in this case), requres an instance of an IView. I did search for and found nothing.
What I really need is a way to create an instance of an IView for use with GetRenderMesh. I see no methods of any class that will return an IView object.