Publishing a max script function.

Posted by:kyle
Data created:28 July 2009
How would you go about doing such a thing with maxnotnet?
That is a good question. I was actually able to do that with the 'original' release of the wrapper: IPrimitive primZKLaunch = global.MaxScript.Primitive.Create( "ZKLaunch", Launch ); This exported "Launch" function into MaxScript as "ZKLaunch", but the later builds broke that functionality so I don't think its easily possible right now. I'll see if I can fix it for the next release. Cheers, Marsel

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Actually in later releases global.MaxScript.Primitive.Create( "ZKLaunch", Launch ); becomes just global.Primitive.Create( "ZKLaunch", Launch ); The problem is in the Primitive object's constructor.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

When do you think the next release will be? It says on the front page that 1.1.2 is available but on the max download page it still says 1.1.0 download is that just a typo? Also, whats the purpose of interfaces like IPrimitiveClass they seem to just be interfaces extending from their initial interface such as IPrimitive?
It should be quite soon, there are some other fixes that will be incorporated into it. Version 1.1.0 is a type indeed, thanks for pointing it out. Some of the empty classes (like the IPrimitiveClass which you mention) are actual C++ classes but either none of their native functions or constructors contain meaningful translation to c# or the translation is not yet supported. They are in the library for reference only at this point. You may check these classes out in the 3dsmax/maxsdk/include folder to see what their purpose is. A lot of the MaxScript stuff (IValue-derived interfaces) do not have any real functionality in Max but they are still part of Max.NET

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)