how to using Igame?

Posted by:SITT
Data created:4 May 2010

IIGameScene gameScene = MaxGlobal.IGameInterface;
int NodeCount = gameScene.TopLevelNodeCount;
for (int i = 0 ;i < NodeCount;i++)
IIGameNode tNode =  gameScene.GetTopLevelNode(i);


why,i only get count == 0 ?

the scene have some teapot

I am not really sure why you get no nodes here, here's what the docs say:

All node access is provides by parent nodes. This does not include the Root node as in 3ds Max. This method can be used to traverse the scene

The number of parent nodes

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

very thanks

I question because no initialization the igame
