Command Mode Classes

Posted by:MichiMichbeck
Data created:16 June 2010

Hey, where to find classes like MoveModBoxCMod or RotateModBoxCMode? Couldnt find them via the global variable or somewhere else! Only MoveModBox is available.


Hi Michbeck,

Do you mean you want to write a custom pluggable command mode? I can find the interface for them (IMoveModBoxCMod, etc.) but I didn't make them pluggable (ie. not in Autodesk.Max.Plugins).. I can do that for next build though.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hey Marsel, yes I need to instantiate this class for my modifier. Acoording to 3ds max documentation it is a common practice to use these classes to specify the possible translations for sub-objects etc. So I would be pleased if you did this for the next build.


Hey Michbeck,

Been working on this one all day, there was/is a bug at the translator's core. I think I got it now more or less so hopefully will have an update up soon.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)