Max.NET for 3dsmax 2012 released

Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:8 April 2011

With the official release of 3ds Max 2012 by Autodesk we are proud to add 2012 to the list of supported Max versions of Max.NET.

The online/offline installers will now detect and install Max.NET for Max 2012 automatically. Please note that, unlike previous versions, that used /plugins/Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.dlu plugin the 2012 version is placed into /bin/assemblies/Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.dll. This is due to new .NET features of 2012.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

MaxDotNet FTW (:




doesn't see in download section (only from january)

how can i activate remoting on 3ds max 2012? i can't find the "MaxDotNet" preferences in "utilities"...