Moving Licenses Between Computers 



Each time you install the license server on a computer it becomes "locked" to said computer. If you try to license another computer without any additionally purchased licenses you will get a "All licenses are used" error. There are times where you may need to move a previously installed license to another computer. This can happen, for example, if you modify your computer's hardware, decommission a computer, or simply want to move your license servers.

The process of moving the license is fast and easy and it can be performed by you through our web interface using steps outlined before.


Release Previous License 

First step is to make sure you release some or all of the licenses from your previously licensed computer. To do so, go to the licenses page and log in if you haven't done so previously.

On the licenses page you will find a list of all previously licensed computers associated with your account. For each computer you will find its name, operating system, and all licenses currently attached to it.

Select the license(s) which you want to move to another computer and press the red Release Licenses button. Note that doing this will no longer allow you to use this license on specified computer.


Install License Server on New Computer 

Now that the license is released you can reinstall it on another computer. Follow the same steps as installing a floating license server to install just the license server on the new computer.

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