At certain times it might be desirable to get more detailed information about the currently running Ephere licensing service. For example, you might just be curious which licenses it currently carries or how many of them are available. Or you might just want to test whether you can access a license server to trouble shoot network connections. Because the licensing server runs as a transparent windows service this information is often concealed from the user and hard to troubleshoot.
To remedy this we provide to our customers a special license manager application which allows you to view information about a running Ephere licensing service. Just connect to an IP of a computer where the service is running and the manager application will provide you with information about which projects you are authorized to use, how many licenses for each project you have, and how many users are currently using each license.
The manager application also allows you to end sessions for currently connected users. This is particularly helpful when you want to free up a license but don't want to wait for its session to time out (which usually takes about 15 minutes).
Use this link to download the manager executable. Simply extract and run it, then specify the server IP to connect to.