Copy-paste position offset

Posted by:mbreidt
Data created:15 October 2012

This is more a small annoying thing, but whenever I use Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-V, the pasted node ends up in a rather inconvenient position somewhere to the top right.

How about using the mouse position to determine where to place the new node?

How are other node-based packages doing this?




Indeed, I think under mouse cursor if mouse is in view or center of the view if mouse is outside would be the best case. Unless there are some better ideas on how to handle it.

Another thing to tackle will be to auto-arrange pasted nodes if there are many of them, especially if they are inter-connected between each other.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thinking about it, I actually would like to change my suggestion:

I would paste the node basically at the same position plus some small, fixed offset to the bottom right. That makes it comparable to a lot of other graphical software.

Also, I would hate auto-arrange of a bunch of carefully arranged and copy-pasted nodes. Insetad, I would paste them in exactly the same layout as the copied nodes, but again offset to the bottom right a couple of pixels (and selected, of course, so the user can immediately drag them away).




Right, this is what I had in mind initially. Current implementation tried to do that but there's obviously a defect there. I'll try to resolve this for next build.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Offering Shift + Drag to copy a node like the Slate editor would also be good.

Or, thinking about it, Shift + Drag copies the node with all inputs wired as the source node and CTRL + Drag could copy it with no inputs wired. Does that sound useful?