Gizmos and Center

Posted by:jcdeblok
Data created:16 October 2012

Is there a way to expose a Gizmo or Center for modifers like you get with the default bend modifier for example?

Hmm, I can see how using a sub-object gizmo could be a vector3 input into a graph, and Xform3 too. I haven't thought about this scenario much but I'll give it some more thought as it would certainly be useful

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Yeah it would very usefull. Would be nice indeed if it is created just like a normal input. You would add it just like a spinner or pick-object button.  Then a transform matrix from the gizmo, or the position vector of a center can then be used in a graph.

Maybe take it even further and add sub-object selections like 'vertex selection' as inputs as well, exposing them like you get with an 'edit poly' modifier for example.

Agree that generic gizmo functionality would be useful, maybe with an option to enable/disable it?

Also, is it possible to create World Space Modifiers?




Re WSM: Not at the moment. What would be a practical scenario for that over a normal geometry object?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Re WSM - I think this is only relevant for gizmo-based modifiers. A useful scenario would be to have an external coordinate system (that can stay stationary while the object and the modifier moves) that you can base your calculations on.

For example, the default Slice modifier in 3ds Max is always slicing in the local coordinate system. It can be very useful to change that and slice in the world coordinate system.




Right, that makes sense, although for world-based gizmos you can just reference an external node from the scene and use its transform and other information.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

or invert the main nodes transform matrix and use that to position the gizmo, that will lock it to the world as well. node.x=10 -> gizmo.x =-10 (relative to node will place it at world.x=0)

Sure, you can use external nodes for that - just like you could instead of a gizmo for OSM.

Having a built-in gizmo is nevertheless nice. It always 'travels' with the modifier, it can be copy-pasted, it won't clutter the object list (in SBN, for example), it can be easily referenced from inside since it always exists....

