Problems with UI design of external ports

Posted by:mbreidt
Data created:16 October 2012

While playing with Lab, I realize that many of my problems come from the UI design of the external input ports. In particular, the distinction between hidden and visible ports isn't very helpful at the momen, as the hidden ones only appear the the popup menu

Also, the data type is only visble when hovering.

I would suggest to make them more accessible and discoverable.




Ok, I will try to make improvements in this area as we go along. If you have more specific suggestions for what you'd like to see please feel free to share. I have been thinking about adding icons to indicate port type, but up until now have also been concerned with unneeded visual and spatial clutter. Keeping things small and simple is sometimes key.

Color coding is another thing on my TODO list, which should help visually deduce node and port types much easier.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

One thing to start with would be to always make all input ports visible, even if not connected.

