EDIT: Mmm somehow it doesnt work anymore when you (re)load the ctx.. bug?
Attached a GeometryModifier graph that removes a vertexID = N ('myInput' spinner) and fixes the polygon table to compensate for altered vertex data.
1) The 'removeAt' method deletes the vertex at index=N from the vertex array, this cause all higer indexed vertices to shift one index down.
2) The ContPolyData array is checked for affectes entries (all IDs greater then N )
3) 'higherThen' boolean output is converted to Int, so it is 0 or 1
4) This int is subtracted from the value in the ContPolyData array to compensate the shift from step 1.
5) Finally the vertexArray output by the 'removeAt' method and the modified ContPolyData array are fed into a mesh type node and connect to the output.
6) if you change the spinner value you can see a vertex disappear and the polygon structure remaing intact.
So.. it would be great if anyone can make this work for an array of removed vertexes! :)