Is INode accessible from script node

Posted by:marktsang
Data created:13 July 2013


is it possible to access iNodes from a script Node - so i could create a reference to a node to update a graph ?

maybe i could get the iNode from name or use a pick button to add the node to a list for referencing


thanks mark


Hi Mark,

There is no direct access because scripts are neutral to Max specific implementation. What do you mean by "create a reference to a node to update a graph"?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

i mean can i pick a a node as input like i can pick a poly mesh so changes to the node(i.e transform or properties) would update and request the graph that has the input to update

i guess what i really want is controllers to be able to be added as input - and to update dynamically with time

like for example in a script controller if i add a node to the variable list - when that node sends a refChanged message the script controller re evaulates

sorry if i was unclear

Thanks for the clarification. It should be possible now to reference a node by adding a polygon or polyline mesh inputs and then adding its transform component input. Though it will only work for geometry and shapes.

As for having controller inputs, can't you do that right now by, for example, adding a float input and then connecting/assigning a controller to it? You can then add time value component input so that you can reference the value at any time. You should also be able to do the same with vector3 inputs.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

hi marsel

yes marsel you are correct you can reference a node - but as you say its limited to geoemerty/shapes - would be nice to be able to pick any object type


regards the controllers it seems a little clunky to me to have to add a float value assign a controller and then instance the controller i want to use to it - would be better in my opinion if i could tell lab i want to pick a controller - then a track view picker could pop up where i pick the controller i want - to me that would make it easier to use


