Cross Product & Noramlise

Posted by:hotknife
Data created:19 October 2013

Noobie question,

Is there a Cross Product Node & Normalise Node - or do we have to create our own Graph to produce one.


Not having a 'proper' Help file makes this plugin tricky to learn....

Yes, if you drag out a vector3 output to create its node, you should see the "Normalized" output.

For cross product you need to use the "modulus" operator on the two vectors.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks Marsel - starting to learn my way around. But I'm not sure I would ever have know or found 'Modulus' as my Maths definitions are fairly small..

still not sure what it is as Wiki says it's


My apologies, I meant the "Modulo" operator (%). I will try to write up more information about this in the docs.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)