Andrew, thank you for the original usage example.
First of all, your scene exposed a bug - when a component input port gets removed and the scene is saved, it won't load. I had to fix the bug to be able to load your scene. So we'll have to release a new build.
The problem turned out to be caused by the multi-threaded evaluation of arrays in Lab. The Xform gets evaluated in parallel, which Max doesn't support. This is a special case that we'll have to figure out a proper solution for.
To make your example work before we come up with a fix, open a MaxScript listener and enter the following line:
(dotNetClass "Ephere.Modeling.Dependency.Library").IsSingleThreaded = true
This will disable *all* multi-threaded evaluations in Lab, so you may want to return it back to false if you move on to other stuff (that is, unless you restart Max, when it will be re-initialized from the number of CPUs on your machine).
BTW, you also need to fix the number of vertex indices of your polyline to match the number of vertices (10 instead of 3). This brings up the idea about a PolylineMesh3 constructor that takes just a list of vertices and creates a single polyline out of them, in the order they come.
Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)
E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com
Discord: ikolev