How do I set a single value or multiple values in an array of Vertices (Using Nodes) ?
For example I have an object with 100000 verts - I want to set the value of vert indices [1],[5],[10000] to [30,30,30] or a variable vector number.
I could create an array with the the vert indices that I want changing i.e [1,5,10000] and loop through the entire mesh verts checking for verts 1,5,10000....but I should be able to individually set their valuse with SetItem[1] = [30,30,30] etc. which I can do but....
What is confusing me is the VoidOutput of the SetItem- and the fact that the mesh only updates when I force it to by turning on and off a modifer below the LabModfier.
So in short how do i quickly set a single item in an array.
Sorry if this is a rudimentry question im having a brain failure.