
Title:Soft body disappears during record of simulation
Posted ( John Tillotson )
Date Created:6 January 2020



Did a simple test of the soft body with a soft body cylinder and 3 convex cubes as soon as I hit Record the cylinder disappears except for the very end sections


Being honest I have owned this softward for less than 24 hours and it feells like a beta or untested softward it basically is inoperable

Steps to Reproduce:

1.) Create cylinder and cubes

2.) Have cylinder rest on two cubes and use other cube animated as the object to push the cylinder

3.) Record the simulations

The cylinder disappears

Hi John,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please save the scene and share it here? I'm unable to reproduce this issue. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Yes here is a scene and three videos.  I have multiple problems with Lucid.  It is unreliable to say the least and crashes 3DS max all the time especially when you use the flex help.  If I use that it crashes every time.

Attached Files:

>Disappearing+Cylinder.max (3289088 bytes), >Ephere+Disappearing+cylinder+on+soft+body.mp4 (10175904 bytes), >Flex+Crash.max (647168 bytes), >Flex+Modifier+Fail.mp4 (19027752 bytes),