
Title:Mesh does not reset to initial state after a sim
Posted By:michaelwbell ( Michael Wentworth-Bell )
Date Created:11 September 2015



I tried a simple test with a sphere and a plane.

There's a quick MP4 attached to this thread to help explain what i'm refering to.

I applied the 'wood' preset to the sphere and hit the record button. 

upon finishing a sim of the timeline, the sphere 'resets' back to its initial position before the sim was applied, however the vertices of the sphere are distorted. 

If i disable the lucid modifier the sphere appears perfectly round like normal. 

I would expect the sphere to return to its original topology. Or the first frame to have the original topology. Is this a bug or expected?

Steps to Reproduce:

See attached.


Attached Files:

>FirstFrame.mp4 (1390320 bytes),

This is more of an expected behavior at the moment. What happens is the sphere gets converted into a particle representation form (one particle per vertex at this point) and then the particles get "connected" together by joints to create a rigid flex object. However, flex then pulls the particles together a little bit thus distorting our initial model.

What we can do is let Flex do this distortion and then map the positions of original vertices onto the distored ones thus preserving the original geometry 1:1. I will add a dev. ticket to research this further.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)