
Title:Animated object not recording properly
Posted By:leepuznowski ( Lee Puznowski )
Date Created:11 September 2015



Scene: 4 Objects (plane set as Collision for the ground, cylinder set as Collision for a container, cylinder set as Fluid to fill the other cylinder, box set as animated object to fall into the fluid).


The sandboxed simulation works as expected, but as soon as I try to record the simulation, the animated box doesn't move properly anymore. The record function changes the animated objects position during the simulation. After the record has finished, the animated object is even further from it's original position.

Steps to Reproduce:

I'm on Win 7 Professional most current updates

Nvidia Titan X (2x internal, 4x external in Netstor case) with most current drivers

3dsmax 2016 EXT 1 + Service pack 1

Thank you for the report. Do you think you can upload or send me a basic scene which I can use to reproduce the problem?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Marsel, I've reproduced the error on another computer with a simple setup. I'm including it here.

Attached Files:

>LucidTest.rar (17827 bytes),

Thank you for the scene. This should already be fixed in next build, we made collision objects not be recorded anymore.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)