Title: | Cloth and water issues |
Category: | Workflow |
Status: | Open |
Posted By: | nildoe ( Nildo Essa ) |
Date Created: | 24 September 2015 |
Title: | Cloth and water issues |
Category: | Workflow |
Status: | Open |
Posted By: | nildoe ( Nildo Essa ) |
Date Created: | 24 September 2015 |
Description: | Im having a problem with cloth, its going thru an animated character..and then gets stuck by a vertex dangling around and also one thing i noticed is that when i press sandbox, the character does not deform with the skeleton underneath, i dunno if that means that Lucid does not support skinned meshes?! I can share the file with you but it must not be thru here. Im also trying to get play with water more, and i can't get the right parameters to have a good sim, either the particles are too big, or it doesnt recognize colisions etc...im sure this is due to user error, is there a way you can share a file with the "ideal" settings somehow? Imtrying to simulate a Pool of about 9mx4mby 1.5m deep, i know its a big sim.. Nildo |
Steps to Reproduce: |