
Title:lucid bugs and issues summary so far
Posted By:eloison ( Erwann Loison )
Date Created:9 October 2015



This is my little list of problems I encountered so far, if I'm missing something and there are solutions to there already, let me know and I'll remove entries happily!

- General: resolution is too limited for accurate fluids
- General: viscosity does not see to have any effect here
- General: Physics properties in global settings should be available per-object if possible to allow rigid bodies, cloth and fluids to have different properties
- PFlow : stream of particles is not smooth enough, making particles spawn by group. That leads to explosions of particles if there are too many and the potential future mesher will most likely have a hard time meshing the stream coming out of the emitter in a continuous mesh
- PFlow : velocity is lost if substeps is too low and the fluid behave like goo
- PFlow : seem to miss the particle ability to 'bounce' (I couldn't make the flow to look anything else than flat goo)
- PFlow : particle stability is not very good (particles may climb onto colliders or start jumping crazily)
- PFlow : Overall it doesn't seem to be possible to simulate something that looks like water
- PFlow : Meshing with Max' blobmesh is suicidal :)
- RBodies: High velocity makes the collision detection unstable, inter-penetration may occur
- Rbodies: Missing a 'start in sleep mode' (until it's triggered by another object in simulation, sometimes a rigid body will jump onto position before stabilizing)

I haven't tested cloth and inflatable much yet (not enough to pretend there are bugs!)

Steps to Reproduce:

Thank you for the write up. We will go over these and I will follow up on it later.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)