
Title:Use time range not working
Posted By:lesR42 ( Les Davis )
Date Created:14 October 2015



Using version win64_343520332036313138

If I tick the "use time range" box it does not sim. 

Steps to Reproduce:

Create plane - make collision object

Create sphere - make inflateable

animate sphere in z axis and ease fast at end of 20 frames

tick use time range - start 20 end 100

tick preserve initial vel.

no sim.

if untick those boxes it sims.

Just uploaded file also

Attached Files:

>Plane_002.max (212992 bytes),

I could not reproduce this issue from your steps. In the scene attached the sphere is not animated. Also the start and end values for time range are set way too high, almost as if you set them in ticks and not frames.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Sorry, must not have saved the file properly. I have just tried it again and it is still not working. What do you mean "time range are set way too high". I have it set from 20-100   I have attched scene again.

Attached Files:

>Plane_003%5d.max (212992 bytes),

Having the same problem here.

Strange, it must be the time units in the scene or something. When I open the scene the "Start Time" is 3200 and "End Time" is 6249 here. It explains why the start/stop isn't working for you, but the question is why does it save the numbers this way?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Which version of 3dsmax are you using? Is it an English version or localized? Do you have anything specific set up about your units?

Please also try doing this: open the scene you uploaded, select the sphere and in MaxScript Listener window type: $.modifiers[#Lucid_Modifier].starttime

Let me know what it gives you as the answer.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I have done more tests with this and still cannot reproduce the issue. Maybe somebody else has more luck?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)