
Title:instanced modifiers
Posted By:eloison ( Erwann Loison )
Date Created:26 October 2015



This one has worked in a previous build but is gone again for me.

Steps to Reproduce:

If you appy lucid modifier to several objects at once, the modifier is not instanced and you need to change settings per object. Unless I'm doing something wrong!

How do you apply the modifier? To instance it you need to right click, copy, then right click instance on other objects.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Oh yes, I didn't think of that method, you're right. I'm used to the way of simply adding a modifier to a selection makes it instanced automatically, forgot about that way :) Thanks.

You are right about having that intuitive way. I need to change the behavior ofhow modifiers are added to selected objects when you use the presets toolbar I guess.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)