
Title:Crash when Lucid Geometry operator and Lucid Fluid operator in the same Particle Flow event.
Posted By:michaelwbell ( Michael Wentworth-Bell )
Date Created:4 December 2015



Hi Marsel!


I was testing a Pflow setup using the Lucid Fluid operator. I wanted to see how the Lucid Geometry operator would compare.

I added the Geometry operator to the flow and disabled the fluid operator (See screenshot).

When I attempt this simulation it will run through the timeline, but nothing will Sim and then 3ds Max will crash. It will not be able to 'save a recovery file' of the scene.

Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:

>Pflow_Geo_Fluid.JPG (33007 bytes),

Note: If i try the opposite (Both operators in same Pflow event, but geometry is disabled and fluid is enabled) it seems the simulation will fail but 3ds max will not crash. 

Michael Wentworth-Bell


Test system for Lucid:
GTX 780 6GB
32GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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Thanks for the report Michael. This scenario should be disabled as the two operators are mutually exclusive within the same event, I need to look at preventing this crash.

The designed workflow (and I haven't tested this yet), is to have two different events within the same PF source running side by side. There you should be able to have multiple fluid and geometry operators.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks Marsel - I will test with the deisgned workflow of 2 PF events and report back.

I'd only encountered the crash because I'd wanted to see how the same event (emitter, geometry, etc) would behave if it was a lucid geo or lucid fluid. So i was expecting to be able to disable one of the lucid operators to see the difference. 

Michael Wentworth-Bell


Test system for Lucid:
GTX 780 6GB
32GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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