Title: | Stoke Field Force not working properly (with cloth at least) |
Category: | Crash/Critical |
Status: | Open |
Posted By: | tobbeo ( Tobbe Olsson ) |
Date Created: | 16 December 2015 |
Title: | Stoke Field Force not working properly (with cloth at least) |
Category: | Crash/Critical |
Status: | Open |
Posted By: | tobbeo ( Tobbe Olsson ) |
Date Created: | 16 December 2015 |
Description: | This is the first plug-in I've encountered where Stoke Field Force Spacewarp doesn't work. It seems to react, but it does not respect the amount of velocity being pushed through the Field Force. I can increase it to insane values and it still reacts the same. Maybe this is something you could work with Thinkbox on? I love Field Force as it allows me to create any velocities I want and right now I have to use Max cloth because Field Force has no problems with it but it is so slow compared to Lucid's cloth. I tried a number of different settings without any luck. I get it to react, but like I mentioned earlier, the strength of the velocity coming from the Field Force has no impact on the amount of force being applied. |
Steps to Reproduce: |