
Title:Stoke Field Force not working properly (with cloth at least)
Posted By:tobbeo ( Tobbe Olsson )
Date Created:16 December 2015



This is the first plug-in I've encountered where Stoke Field Force Spacewarp doesn't work. It seems to react, but it does not respect the amount of velocity being pushed through the Field Force. I can increase it to insane values and it still reacts the same.

Maybe this is something you could work with Thinkbox on? I love Field Force as it allows me to create any velocities I want and right now I have to use Max cloth because Field Force has no problems with it but it is so slow compared to Lucid's cloth.

I tried a number of different settings without any luck. I get it to react, but like I mentioned earlier, the strength of the velocity coming from the Field Force has no impact on the amount of force being applied.

Steps to Reproduce:

Ok, I will investigate. Need to get my hands on Stoke first.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Tobbe, can you please help me out by attaching a scene which has a stoke field force with your desired parameters and Lucid cloth bound to it? I got stoke but I am unfamiliar with the setup process so this would save a lot of time here.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I e-mailed you an example. Let me know if you have any questions but I hope it's clear enough.

Unfortunately even in 0.6.x it's still not working. In fact there seems to be some velocity issues as I mentioned in my Drag Space warp bug report. If you set Lucid global settings to 0 velocity in all directions, and you apply a lucid modifier (doesn't seem to matter what type of preset), even with just one object included in the physics simulation it moves if you simulate it. It shouldn't since there's no force. I've decreased the particle size values so that them self-colliding shouldn't be the issue.