
Title:MAX Crash on latest build CLOTH SIM
Posted By:nildoe ( Nildo Essa )
Date Created:25 December 2015



On latest build im trying to make a simple cloth sim of tearing..but crashes everytime i sim..


please see attached file, press simulate red button and just after frame 130 (time range is on) max will crash on me :(.



Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:

>Untitled_recover.max (581632 bytes),

Another thing im getting is whenever i simulate with time range on, after it sims the animation playbakc is still ALOT FASTER...not realtime at all..if a box is to hit the cloth on say frame 50 for example, after simming and playing back the box will hit the cloth at frame 5..and the whle sim will stop way before it should be..


regarding the crash i notice that if i sim with time range off, it will not crash max , but the cloth getts really weird noise in it..


if I put time range back on but set to start at fram1 cloth will deform nicely, but as soon as it gets to end frame defined by me (130 here) on frm 131 it will crash max.


I saw the impressive video of cloth on can i make that cloth tearing reveal car effect?



Fixed in next build

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)