
Title:Particle display not correct in 2014
Posted By:tobbeo ( Tobbe Olsson )
Date Created:1 January 2016



I am running Max 2014, I have an NFR license and I can't afford to upgrade right now. Just so you are aware of what version I am running. I've verified I am running Lucid

When you hit the record button, your lucid objects don't show up as particles even though the button is checked to show as particles. 

If I hit the "Toggle Lucid Physics" button, particles do show up but only as dots, not as the cube size I see in your videos. This makes it slightly harder for me to show the size of the particles (I have to create a box with the dimensions I set in Global Lucid settings). I've tried shaded, and realistic.

Steps to Reproduce:

This is as designed. Mesh-based particle display is only present in 3dsmax 2015+ due to Nitrous code. I added a note about that here:

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

A shame but I understand. Same limitation in Stoke so I should have known.