
Title:Scaled objects
Posted By:tobbeo ( Tobbe Olsson )
Date Created:1 January 2016



If you scale an object and add it to the sim it will go back to it's 100% scaled. So you need to place a reset x-form on all your objects if you've scaled them. Perhaps this should be on the users shoulders to make sure their objects' xforms have been collapsed, but I feel most physics plugins tend to make sure the x-form has been reset when initializing the simulation. Just thought I'd add it and let you decide if you hadn't thought of it already.

Steps to Reproduce:

To reproduce this I tried this simple case:

  1. Add a sphere
  2. Scale it to 300%
  3. Add inflated or water preset
  4. Simulate

Everything works as expected using this set up. Am I missing something?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Sorry I should have written a reproducable case. It's not quite the way I thought but close. Here's how to replicate it:

  1. Create an object or a few
  2. Group them
  3. Scale the group
  4. Ungroup the group
  5. Add the objects to a lucid sim and sim

Result on my end is every time that it returns to the scale that it was in before it was grouped and scaled.

The objects scale is OK here using the steps you provided (especially with inflated and cloth), the problem I see is that the particle radius isn't scaled and it causes fluid, for example, to explode if you scale down. Is this the issue you experience?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I used the wood preset. inflated and liquid presets don't display this behavior so try my steps with the wood preset and you should see what I mean. Happens if I create a new scene from scratch and follow those steps.

Seems to only affect solids. Fixed in next nightly.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)