
Title:Max Crashing using tearing
Posted By:nildoe ( Nildo Essa )
Date Created:3 January 2016



Hey Marcel,


So i was trying to recreate the pealing effect i saw in one of the lastest lucid demos..i managed to do the PEEL effect but i also wanted to to have the rearing effect on the edges of the the object much like the video...if i keep tearing to 0.0 all is fine but no tearing..if i up the amount to something like 0.2 max will crash

actually Im not even sure that even if it didnt crash i would get the tearing im looking for, got any ideas how to do this effect?


max file attached


Steps to Reproduce:

Open file, select the cloth object put tearing to 0.2 rum sim, max crashes.


Attached Files:

>car_stripping_ClearedSim.rar (3095196 bytes),

Fixed in the latest nightly build, please check it

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Fixed ! :)



On a side note, I Noticed that the nighlty is .6231 but when installed is .6221, is this just a typo?


Doesn't look like a typo, could be that the wrong version got installed somehow perhaps. There weren't any significant changes between 21 and 31 though, so it is ok.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)