
Title:Paint not stuck to moving objects
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:7 January 2016



Hi Will we get an option to be able to paint  moving objects where paint gets stuck to a moving object


Steps to Reproduce:


Can you please elaborate on the question? I do not understand it.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Marsel I attached an image. You can see there paint is dumped on a moving box but does not travel with the box. Would be nice to have an option where paint or mud gets stuck to moving objects. I set adhesion to 1. Thanks 

Here is the iamge 

Attached Files:
Image 1

What is the simulation type that you're using on the box?

Have you tried convex?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

yes Box is set as convex and they explode a lot too when you increase adhision. But as far as sticking to a moving object none of the particles stick  Thanks 

i attached 3ds max file 

Attached Files:
Image 1
>mud+stick+test.max (2121728 bytes),

Could you make a tutorial on how car goes through mud and mud gets stuck to it or gets shot with a paintball gun. Would be really nice to know. maybe we are doing something wrong.  Thank you 

it works I tried new version and chose particles as GLUE and not MUD The only problem they explode instead of falling down a ball of mud.  

Attached Files:
Image 1