
Title:particles travel through surface
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:7 January 2016



What the best ratio between  Substep and iterations  Too many substeps causes particle explosion  and why most of the  particles just fall through the surface now 

in old versions particles did not go through the surface 

Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:

>water+cup.max (19869696 bytes),

Ok I did some tests and it only happens in 3ds max 2014. particles explode and go through surfaces. Old build did not do this. 3ds max 2015 works great  

Attached Files:
Image 1
>2014+whater+glass.max (245760 bytes), >2015+water+glass.max (286720 bytes),

And the scene is exactly the same when you use it in 2014 and 2015?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)


We also created other scenes and 3ds max 2014 and still explodes and goes through surfaces

I added both scenes for 2015 and 2014 attached 

We use inches as system units 

Also in max 2014 similation is very slow