
Title:PFlow + Sandbox mode - Crash when using multiple events
Posted By:michaelwbell ( Michael Wentworth-Bell )
Date Created:11 January 2016



Hi Marsel, 

I have been trying to test out Lucid Geometry/Fluid operators with multiple particle flow events. 
I have attempted to connect 2 event together using an age test. 

If a user is using 'Sandbox' Mode, there is a very high chance 3ds max will crash, for example, doing any of the following actions:
-Wire event 001 to event 002.
-Scrub timeline
-hit play

I have uploaded a .max scene here:

There is another issue with the scene file and I will file a separate report. 



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open attached scene
  2. activate sandbox mode
  3. scrub timeline/hit play


3ds max will crash as soon as one particle leaves event001 and enters event002



Attached Files:
Image 1

Thanks for the report. I am on vacation until next week, I will investigate this then.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Fixed in next nightly

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)