
Title:Lucid and Multiple PFlow events - Issues
Posted By:michaelwbell ( Michael Wentworth-Bell )
Date Created:11 January 2016



Hi Marsel, 

Just wanted to start a report about Multiple Events in PFlow when using Lucid. Is this feature supported?

I have tried a simple test, available here (Uploaded exact same file in another thread):

When I try to simulate this scene, The Lucid particles seem to enter event 2 just fine. When they enter event 3 they seem to explode in all directions, and the recorded result is different to what happens while simulating. 

Am I missing some operators, or is multiple Pflow events not going to be supported in Lucid 1.0?


Steps to Reproduce:

Hi Michael,

They are supported. Just to be clear, 2 events work fine for you but not if you add one more event (making it 3)? I have only tested with 2 events here, maybe I overlooked something.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)