
Title:in 2014 lucid mesher does not work
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:4 February 2016



for some reason in 3ds max 2014 you cannot see liquid mesh coming out of PFlow after adding lucid mesher And lucid mesher is also displayed as a dot in 2014 max

Steps to Reproduce:

seems like in 2016 nothing happens No fluid mesh Am i doing something wrong

Attached Files:

>pflow.max (823296 bytes),

i tried sample pflow file and it works but i noticed you have Lucid001 so if i delete it and add my Lucid Fluid even I get mesh liquid going up and pasrticles falling down


But 2014 still shows no liquid mesh

Attached Files:

>aaa.max (282624 bytes),

so after opening with 2014 max threse is no mesh on particles even though same setting includign lucid mesher Also peed does not work again changing speed does not make fluid come out faster. Speed does not work in both 3ds max versions

Attached Files:
Image 1

I don't have 2014 installed here but I believe I reproduced this in 2012. Stay tuned.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

The mesh display is fixed in the next nightly build. For the particle speed you need to make sure that your particles are of a decent radius (not too big) because otherwise speed will be determined by them pushing each other out of the way as they are born. Speed seems to work OK here otherwise.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)