
Title:[] Cloth - WorldSpace distance
Posted By:TAT Studio ( )
Date Created:11 February 2016



Hello !

It looks like there is a space bounding box for cloth simulation.

Once a skinned + lucid(cloth) object arrives at 5000cm from origin, Lucid stop to simulate.

Bug or demo limitation ?


We are in R&D to setup a combo Lucid + Ornatrix for fur simulation.


Steps to Reproduce:

Create & sphere & a point and skin the sphere on the point.

Animate the point from 0 to a great distance.

Add a Lucid cloth to the sphere, exept some skinned points & simulate.


Sample scene attached :

3DSmax 2016, Lucid demo.


Attached Files:

>Bug_Lucid_WorldPosition.rar (371184 bytes),

It could be hitting the default sandbox collision object. Try adding a sandbox collision object manually from the toolbar and then resizing it to a bigger volume. Great to hear about the R&D btw.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)