
Title:Lucid mesh does not get updated in Octane
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:16 February 2016



For some reason if Shows as particles is on in Lucid PF Display when rendering in Octane mesh does not update itself and is stationary.  Shows as particles must be off for it to work.  It is ok but it slows down viewport like crazy 

Steps to Reproduce:

With show as particles on don't you get the particles displayed instead of meshed result? Do you need to display the result as particle spheres?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

As far as viewport it works fine. I can  switch between particles and mesh.  i can even render lucid mesh when in viewport they are shown as particles. problem is during rendering they do not update and get animated.  So if my time slider is at 50 and I click render 50-100 frames  all my lucid mesh will be stationary like at frame 50.  The only solution is to  uncheck show as particles for mesh to be updated during rendering.  Hopefully I explained ok