
Title:Install License doesn't launch
Posted By:dpolcino ( Dave Polcino )
Date Created:20 February 2016



Super excited about this program, so much so that I just removed my Quadro 6000 and got a GTX980 Ti and bought the program! But the InstallLicense application doesn't do anything when I double-click it. And my install of the program remains unlicensed. Any ideas?

Windows 8.1 Max 2014

Steps to Reproduce:

Try to launch InstallLicense

Great to hear, Dave! Just to be clear, you have installed Lucid and launched 3dsmax and were presented with the "Install License" button. Clicking it doesn't do anything?

Please try to follow these steps:

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

EPHERE wrote:

Great to hear, Dave! Just to be clear, you have installed Lucid and launched 3dsmax and were presented with the "Install License" button. Clicking it doesn't do anything? Please try to follow these steps:

This part doesn't work:

Install License Server
Click on "All X Licenses" link and download the installer program
Once downloaded run it on your license server computer
Click "Install License" button when prompted.

I download the install license exe and double-click it and nothing happens at all, it doesn't launch.

Within Max, when I open Lucid it just tells me there is no license and I have no options beyond that.

"Authorization Error: No license for this file" is what pops up in 3D Max.

For more detail, this file when double-clicked doesn't open or do anything at all as far as I can see:

"InstallLicense.343520342032393931.all.exe" same with "single" version.

Sounds strange that nothing would pop up. Which version of Windows are you running? Do you have any anti-virus software running, or a restrictive firewall?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Windows 8.1 latest updates, no restrictions, everything always works. This program just won't launch. Any idea on what to try? I could try on my laptop. Maybe I could move it over somehow?

Jumping into the thread because I'm having similar issues. I installed the LS onto the machine with my ZK and Ornatrix licenses with the Install License. It failed several times to install and kept prompting that the program may not have installed correctly, do you want to use recommended settings--but not prompting to install license. After right-click> Properties > Unblock and then reinstalling with Run as Admin I got further, but it kept failing.

The server install log kep having lines like this:

The uninstall is beginning.
Removing EventLog source Ephere License Server.
Service Ephere License Server is being removed from the system...
An exception occurred during the uninstallation of the System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller installer.
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified service does not exist as an installed service
An exception occurred while uninstalling. This exception will be ignored and the uninstall will continue. However, the application might not be fully uninstalled after the uninstall is complete.

The uninstall has completed.

Running a transacted installation.

Beginning the Install phase of the installation.
Installing service Ephere License Server...
Creating EventLog source Ephere License Server in log Application...

An exception occurred during the Install phase.
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The name is already in use as either a service name or a service display name

The Rollback phase of the installation is beginning.
Restoring event log to previous state for source Ephere License Server.

The Rollback phase completed successfully.

The transacted install has completed.


So I found the link for the license server install again and found about uninstalling first (as ZK and Ornatrix also licensed there). So I did that and it finally ran.


I ran Max once on the license server to see if it installed (even though that machine has no valid graphics card). Seemed to be installed.


But when I installed onto the client machine with a valid GFX card and try to connect to the License Server IP, I get this error in Max:


All your licenses are assigned to other computers.




Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk

Developer of Wall Worm


EDITED: Removed because of misinformation.


Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk

Developer of Wall Worm


THe license installer says it is 233k. Is that right? Trying to see if maybe it's corrupt under my login. There's gotta be a way to open it. Is there an older one I can try? Something...

OK! I have Ornatrix V2. I went into system services and stopped the license server, THEN installed the Lucid License and both plugins seem to be working fine now.

Just want to follow up as well.  I edited my second post above because of misinformation.


Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk

Developer of Wall Worm