
Title:Max. Particles strange behavior.
Posted By:lamer3d ( )
Date Created:26 February 2016



Hello. There seems to be a weird behaivor when you change Max Particles parameter to something slightly bigger than default 1300000, even if you don't modify Resolution or Particle Radius after that. Parcticles start to fly in random directions and simulation speed drops significantly. What is even weirder that when you change it back to 1300000, it doesn't return to normal behaivor. You have to restart Max.


Here is a sample video:

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open tutorial scene MagmaFlow_2013.max
  2. Run simulation and notice speed and overall shape of particle cloud
  3. Set Max particles to 1400000 instead of 1300000
  4. Run simulation and notice that simulation runs 10x slower and particles fly away in random directions
  5. Set Max Particles back to 1300000
  6. Run simulation, particles still fly in random directions and simulation is extremly slow.

Attached Files:

>lucidBug.mp4 (16989859 bytes),

Thank you for including the video, that looks strange indeed. I will look into this and report back.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I can reproduce this even in a small scene. It is related to the Flex solver, which seems to become unstable when you pass it number of particles over 1300000. I hope this limitation will be lifted in the future by NVidia.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you for a quick response!