
Title:Recording issues
Posted By:thanulee ( Thanos Kagkalos )
Date Created:30 March 2016



Hi, when i record the simulation, it might show wrong, while if i play it afterwards is correct. It took me sometime to get my head around cause i kept stopping the simulation while i shouldnt.

I havent update lucid for 1 month now, idk if its a common issue and is fixed. Keep that in mind!

Steps to Reproduce:


Can you please describe what you mean by showing it wrong?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Yes, its not accurate when the sim is kinda difficult. It happened while i was dragging a cloth among some shapes and it showed the cloth stacking but it actually wasnt stacking at all. I can attach the scene for u if u wanna check it out.

Sure, a scene or maybe a screenshot/video would be very helpful.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Here u are:

When the box drags the ribbon, in recording mode shows the ribbon stacked in the cylinder, u ll see what i mean.

ps. idk if my settings are way too high though, or if i did something wrong.