
Title:Show mesh does not work
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:7 April 2016




When I uncheck Shows as Particles I do not get mesh it just shows as original box before it became liquid. Scene is attached

we use 3ds max 2014

Steps to Reproduce:

Here is the scene

Attached Files:

>no+liquid+mesh.max (2244608 bytes),

and here is video For somereason it is upside down.  But you can see when show as particles is unchecked mesh is not created

Attached Files:

>Video.MOV (2807458 bytes),

Ok, this one I can reproduce. Will investigate.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Found the problem. See explanation here:

TLDR; Set the Granilarity value to 0.01m to fix it.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

maybe it is 3ds max 2014.  I ahve to uncheck show as aprticles and simulate as mesh because if i uncheck show as particles later mesh still disappears even with low granularity level