
Title:I hit record and get error
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:19 May 2016



not sure why it happens

i hit record and get error

Steps to Reproduce:

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seems like error happens after you simulate then go to birth and chose from amount to rate

also after doing simulation if i move time slider i get this error

File: Private\PFOperator.cpp
Line: 287
Function: Ephere::Plugins::Autodesk::Max::Lucid::PFOperator::Proceed
Expression: Assert failed: particleCount == minCount

ok i think i know. When i change aprticle radius above 0 i get this error too

You should not change the particle birth number or anything else that will affect particle count after recording a simulation with PFlow. The recorded data depends on the particle count staying the same at each frame.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)