
Title:New scene works fine but old
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:1 June 2016



I noticed lucid works perfect with brand new scenes.  But when I add lucid to my excisting scenes I get nothing but problems. Crashes, shows as mesh does not work, max crashes, pflow crashes.  Not sure why. I will attach file shortly.  Thank you 

Steps to Reproduce:

here is one of the scene.  There is a sphere turned to liquid I hit record and it freezes and i get this error.  And it happens with a lot of scenes.  We use 3ds max 2015 and octane

Not sure what causes lucid not to work well with scenes except brand new max scenes

Attached Files:
Image 1
>test.max (7598080 bytes),

Thank you for the scene. I fixed the error in upcoming nightly build (7717+)

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Here are two more problems

1. If you click simualte particle flow I get error message and particles explode, max gives me error and then crashes.  test.max attached

2.  If you add lucid mesher 3ds max crashes even with brand new scene. Also there is still no lucid mesher symbol when it used to work just pivot axis



Attached Files:
Image 1Image 2
>test.max (7602176 bytes),

In the attached scene everything works as expected here. I do get the sphere exploding which is not totally right but I don't get any errors or crashes. There are about 1.2M particles generated which is close to the limit. If I increase global particle radius to at least 5cm then it behaves much better.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I also get no problems with the mesher, all works well and the icon is there. I am testing on Max 2016 here, do you have a chance to test on 2016 too?

I noticed there are two global flex settings objects in the scene and one of them has a Lucid Modifier applied for some reason. Not sure how you ended up with this configuration but you should only have one of these objects present and without any modifiers.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

seems like mesher works in 2016.  it is 2014 and 2014  it crashes max or has no icon