
Title:Objects go through objects
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:7 June 2016



Hi My sphere is liquid and it goes through static object.  Body type is set to colission I tried convex and sdf?  What is the right type for stationary objects.  Choosing convex makes particles jump up and down 

Steps to Reproduce:

Bounces in convex

Attached Files:

>convex.MOV (1644033 bytes),

here is another one with the latest built.  My old box that was bent with bend modifier and converted to poly does not see  sphere. Even if I chose SDF type.  But new box (orange ) that's bend works ok but only with SDF and not with collision or convex  why? 


Attached Files:

>bend+modif.MOV (6899178 bytes), >test.max (4091904 bytes),

Strange to see the object passing through, we will investigate, thank you.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Just tried it here with the scene you attached and all seems to work well on 2016. I'll have to grab 2015, will try that too.

Attached Files:
Image 1

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)